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I have been trained and have qualifications in the following areas:

Soul Realignment®

You will receive a detailed reading that covers the aspects of your life where you are blocked or out of alignment with your soul true nature.


As part of my service, there is energetic clearing that takes place. 

You receive step by step instruction on how to complete the clearing work. If you choose we can also discuss what you can do within your own life to help make the physical, emotional, spiritual changes be rooted and real in your life.  

Are you ready to understand and get enthusiastic about who you are.

You can keep a copy of the session - as it has tons of amazing information.

Manifesting Analysis

Do you want to know how your soul was designed to manifest the easiest.

It is really interesting and useful to understand how things (energy and physical) come into your life with the least resistance.


Property Clearing

Can be done at a distance



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